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The Curious Case of Apollo Quiboloy: Controversies and Legal Battles of the Self-Proclaimed “Appointed Son of God”

The controversial pastor, who wields significant influence now finds himself at the center of various investigations

Apollo Quiboloy
Apollo Quiboloy | Image credit to

Apollo Carreon Quiboloy, the founder and leader of the Philippines-based religious group Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC), has been making headlines in recent years, not for his self-proclaimed title as the “Appointed Son of God,” but for the mounting legal challenges he faces both in the Philippines and abroad.

The controversial pastor, who wields significant influence among his followers and some political figures, now finds himself at the center of various investigations and court cases involving serious allegations of sexual abuse, human trafficking, and other crimes.

Who is Apollo Quiboloy?

Born on April 25, 1950, in Davao City, Quiboloy founded the KOJC in 1985 after leaving the United Pentecostal Church. He claims to have received divine revelations appointing him as the “Son of God” and granting him spiritual authority over his followers. Under his leadership, the KOJC grew into a religious movement with millions of members worldwide.

Quiboloy’s influence extends beyond the religious sphere, as he has cultivated close ties with prominent political figures, most notably former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. The pastor served as Duterte’s spiritual adviser during his presidency and has been known to endorse candidates in national elections.

Legal Troubles in the Philippines

Despite his claims of divine authority, Quiboloy is not immune to earthly laws. In recent years, he has faced a series of legal challenges in the Philippines related to allegations of sexual abuse and human trafficking within his church.

Department of Justice Case

In March 2024, the Philippine Department of Justice (DOJ) reversed the dismissal of a 2020 case against Quiboloy by the Davao City Prosecutor’s Office. The DOJ ordered the filing of charges against the pastor for violating the Anti-Child Abuse Law, specifically the provision on sexual abuse of a minor.

Additionally, a non-bailable case of qualified human trafficking is to be filed against Quiboloy in a Pasig City court.

The DOJ’s actions came after a former KOJC member accused Quiboloy of raping her in 2014 when she was still a minor. The complainant also alleged emotional and physical mistreatment and forced labor without compensation, all in the name of religion.

Senate Investigation

The Philippine Senate, led by Senator Risa Hontiveros, has been conducting an investigation into the reported “large-scale human trafficking, rape, sexual abuse, violence, and child abuse” within the KOJC.

Several former KOJC members have testified before the Senate committee, detailing instances of sexual abuse, coercion, exploitation, and physical punishments within the organization.

Despite being summoned to appear before the Senate, Quiboloy has repeatedly refused to attend the hearings. As a result, the Senate issued a warrant for his arrest on March 19, 2024, for “unduly refusing to appear” at the inquiry.

International Legal Challenges

Quiboloy’s legal troubles extend beyond the Philippines, as he also faces serious charges in the United States.

FBI Most Wanted List

In November 2021, a federal warrant was issued for Quiboloy’s arrest in the United States. The charges stem from an alleged scheme that exploited KOJC members by bringing them to the U.S. through fraudulently obtained visas and forcing them to solicit donations for a fictitious charity.

The funds were allegedly used to support the church’s operations and the lavish lifestyles of its leaders.

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) placed Quiboloy on its most wanted list in February 2022 for his alleged involvement in sex trafficking, fraud, coercion, conspiracy, and bulk cash smuggling.

U.S. Sanctions

In December 2022, the U.S. Treasury and State Departments imposed sanctions on Quiboloy and several other individuals in connection with corruption and gross human rights abuses. The sanctions include the freezing of Quiboloy’s assets and holdings within the U.S., a ban on transactions involving his assets or interests, and a prohibition on giving or receiving contributions, funds, goods, or services for his benefit.

The Search for Quiboloy

As the legal net tightens around Quiboloy, Philippine authorities have intensified their efforts to locate and arrest the elusive pastor. However, despite multiple attempts by the Philippine National Police (PNP) to serve arrest warrants at his properties in Davao City, Quiboloy remains at large.

In an audio recording released on April 6, 2024, Quiboloy denied being in hiding, but his whereabouts remain unknown. Former President Duterte, who has been appointed as the administrator of KOJC properties, has also denied hiding or protecting Quiboloy.

However, Duterte’s vague statements about the pastor’s possible location in his sanctuary in Barangay Tamayong, Davao City, have raised suspicions about his involvement in aiding the fugitive.

Challenges in Bringing Quiboloy to Justice

The case of Apollo Quiboloy highlights the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in bringing influential figures to justice, particularly those with strong political connections and a loyal following.

One major obstacle is the apparent reluctance of local authorities in Davao City to pursue the cases against Quiboloy. The DOJ’s decision to transfer the pastor’s cases to a Pasig City court underscores the concern that the cases may not receive the attention they deserve in Davao, where Quiboloy and his patron, former President Duterte, wield significant influence.

Another challenge is the difficulty in locating Quiboloy, despite the PNP’s efforts to serve arrest warrants at his properties. The pastor’s vast network of followers and his access to resources may be enabling him to evade capture, raising questions about the effectiveness of the manhunt and the commitment of law enforcement agencies to apprehend him.

The Importance of Accountability

The case of Apollo Quiboloy serves as a stark reminder of the importance of holding influential figures accountable for their actions, regardless of their claimed divine authority or political connections. The allegations against Quiboloy and his church are serious and demand a thorough investigation and, if proven, appropriate consequences under the law.

Bringing Quiboloy to justice would send a strong message that no one is above the law and that crimes, particularly those involving the exploitation and abuse of vulnerable individuals, will not be tolerated. It would also provide a measure of justice for the alleged victims and survivors of abuse within the KOJC.

Moreover, the case highlights the need for greater oversight and regulation of religious organizations to prevent the abuse of power and the exploitation of followers. While the principle of separation of church and state must be respected, it should not be used as a shield to protect criminal activities carried out under the guise of religious authority.


As the legal battles against Apollo Quiboloy continue to unfold, the world watches closely to see whether the self-proclaimed “Appointed Son of God” will be held accountable for his alleged crimes.

The outcome of these cases will have far-reaching implications, not only for Quiboloy and his followers but also for the broader issues of justice, accountability, and the role of religious leaders in society.

The pursuit of justice in this case will require the concerted efforts of law enforcement agencies, the judiciary, and the public at large. It is crucial that the authorities remain committed to the task of locating and arresting Quiboloy, while ensuring that due process is followed and the rights of all parties are respected.

Ultimately, the case of Apollo Quiboloy serves as a sobering reminder that no one, regardless of their claimed divine authority or political influence, should be above the law. It is only through the unwavering pursuit of truth and justice that society can hope to build a more equitable and just world for all.

Written by Louie Sison

My name is Louie and welcome to HyperLocal PH. Launched in February 2024, this website is dedicated to bringing you the most captivating and comprehensive stories about Filipino lifestyle, history, news, travel, and food. Join us in this journey!

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