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You Won’t Believe How Much Time Filipinos Spend on TikTok Each Month!

Filipinos spend an astounding average of 40 hours and 46 minutes per month!

Philippines Usage of TikTok
Philippines Usage of TikTok | Representation: Image by Karl Solano at

TikTok Takes Over: Exploring the App’s Massive Popularity in the Philippines and Beyond

In just a few short years, TikTok has become a global phenomenon, captivating users across the world with its endless stream of creative, entertaining short-form videos.

But nowhere is the app more popular than in the Philippines, where users spend an astounding average of 40 hours and 46 minutes per month scrolling through TikTok’s addictive feed.

In this deep dive, we’ll explore the reasons behind TikTok’s explosive growth in the Philippines and examine how the app’s impact compares to other countries.

We’ll also look at some key TikTok statistics and demographics to understand who is using the app and how they are engaging with it.

The Rise of TikTok in the Philippines

Since its launch in 2016, TikTok has experienced meteoric growth, particularly in Southeast Asia. The app has found a especially devoted following in the Philippines, where it has become the most downloaded app and the second most used social media platform after Facebook.

As of early 2024, TikTok boasts an impressive 49.09 million active users in the Philippines, equivalent to about 41% of the country’s total population. The app’s user base in the Philippines grew by a staggering 23.2% between October 2023 and January 2024 alone.

So what is driving TikTok’s immense popularity in the Philippines?

Experts point to a few key factors:

  • Mobile-first population: With over 70% of Filipinos accessing the internet primarily through mobile devices, TikTok’s mobile-optimized format is a natural fit.
  • Love of music and dance: Filipinos have a deep affinity for music and dance, which are central to much of the content on TikTok. Local dance challenges frequently go viral on the app.
  • Desire for community and connection: In a country where many families are separated by overseas work, TikTok provides a way for Filipinos to connect, share, and relate to each other through content.
  • Pandemic boredom: When lockdowns hit the Philippines in 2020, many turned to TikTok as a much-needed source of entertainment and creative outlet while stuck at home.

Who’s Using TikTok in the Philippines?

TikTok’s user base in the Philippines skews young and female. As of early 2024:

  • 49.1% of TikTok’s ad audience in the Philippines is female, while 50.9% is male
  • 67.9% of Filipinos aged 16-64 consider TikTok their most-used social media platform
  • 55% of TikTok users in the Philippines are female and aged 12-24

While TikTok is undoubtedly most popular among Gen Z, its reach extends to older generations as well. 15% of TikTok users in the Philippines are 55 years and older.

Filipinos on TikTok
Filipinos on TikTok: Representation: Photo by Ivan Samkov at

How Filipinos Are Engaging With TikTok

More than just a casual distraction, TikTok has become a central part of daily life and culture for many Filipinos. The app is shaping everything from content creation to commerce:

  • 97% of TikTok users in the Philippines engaged with the app during major shopping events like 11.11 sales after seeing related content
  • 93% said they were inspired to make a purchase after seeing a product on TikTok
  • 56% report discovering new brands through TikTok ads

Filipino TikTok users are also highly active content creators, with many local influencers achieving massive followings:

  • Filipina actress Niana Guerrero has over 30 million followers
  • Comedian Sassa Gurl has over 14 million followers
  • Yanyan de Jesus, known for parody and dance videos, has over 12 million followers

TikTok’s Global Footprint

While TikTok’s popularity in the Philippines is remarkable, the app has also made major inroads in other countries around the world. As of 2023, TikTok has over 1.5 billion monthly active users worldwide, with over 500 million in the Asia-Pacific region alone.Here’s a look at TikTok’s reach in some key markets as of early 2024:

CountryMonthly TikTok Users (millions)
United States121.5

Source: Oberlo

Notably, India, which was once TikTok’s largest market, banned the app in June 2020 citing national security concerns. The U.S. and other countries have also raised alarms about data privacy issues related to TikTok’s Chinese parent company ByteDance.

Despite these challenges, TikTok’s growth shows no signs of slowing. The app is expected to reach 1.8 billion monthly active users globally by the end of 2024.

The Bottom Line

TikTok’s ascent to social media superstardom has been nothing short of remarkable, and nowhere is its impact more evident than in the Philippines.

With its massive, highly engaged user base and deep cultural influence, TikTok has become an indispensable platform for Filipinos to connect, create, and consume.

As TikTok continues to evolve and expand, it will be fascinating to see how it shapes the social media landscape in the Philippines and beyond in the years to come.

One thing is clear: For now, TikTok is here to stay, and its hold on Filipinos’ attention spans is only getting stronger.

Written by Louie Sison

My name is Louie and welcome to HyperLocal PH. Launched in February 2024, this website is dedicated to bringing you the most captivating and comprehensive stories about Filipino lifestyle, history, news, travel, and food. Join us in this journey!

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